Friday, December 23, 2011

Kutipan Yuran Keselamatan Bagi Tempoh Januari-Mac 2012 (Collection For January-March 2012 Security Subscription)

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa pihak kami akan memulakan pengutipan yuran keselamatan berjumlah RM210.00 mulai 1 Januari 2012.

Mulai dari 1 Januari 2012,  semua bayaran yuran keselamatan hanya boleh dibuat dalam bentuk Cek dan bayar kepada stakeholder pihak kami T. J. Chin & Co”. Jangan menyerahkan sebarang bayaran wang TUNAI kepada pegawai keselamatan.  Pihak kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kehilangan sekiranya anda menyerah wang TUNAI kepada Pegawai Keselamatan. Pegawai keselamatan yang ditugaskan hanya dibenarkan mengutip bayaran Cek dan Borang Pembayaran.  Resit rasmi akan dikeluarkan oleh Persatuan dan dihantar kepada anda dalam tempoh 1 minggu sebaik sahaja bayaran diterima.

Sekiranya anda mash ingin membuat bayaran dalam bentuk wang TUNAI, sepasukan ahli Jawatankuasa akan berada di Main Children Playground pada Hari Ahad, 8 January 2012 dari 5.00 ptg to 6.30 ptg untuk menerima bayaran daripada anda dan resit rasmi akan dikeluarkan.

Jawatankuasa Sementara Persatuan Penduduk Adonis Blue

We are pleased to inform that we will be collecting the January-March subscriptions RM210.00 starting from 1 January 2012.

With effect from 1 January 2012, all payments for security subscriptions should be made by cheques payable to our stakeholder, “T. J. Chin & Co”.   We have strictly enforced the rule that no CASH payments should be handed to any of our security guards, as the Association (ABRA) will not be responsible for any cash loss.  Authorized security guards are only allowed to collect cheque payments and Payment Slips.  Official Receipt will be issued by the Association and mailed to you within 1 week once we have received your cheque.

If it is necessary that CASH is your only mode of payment, a team of Pro-Tem Committee members will be at the Main Children Playground on Sunday, 8 January 2012 from 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm to receive your payment and official receipt will be issued on the spot.

Pro-tem Committee Adonis Blue Resident Association

Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Deepavali - 26 October 2011

To all our Hindu neighbors and Hindu friends in Adonis Blue, the Pro-tem Committee of Adonis Blue Resident Association wishes you all a Happy Deepavali.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Annual General Meeting, Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Family Day Celebration 2011

The 2nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) started on Saturday,8 October 2011 at 2.30 pm and was concluded on 4.00 pm with most of the agenda passed at the meeting.  Celebration of Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Family Day commenced at 4.00 pm and was held successfully with very good turnout at the event.  Variety of halal foods and drinks were served.  Residents were also entertained to percussion performance by Steve Thornton & group.  Various indoor games were organized for children and prizes were given out to each and every participant.  Below are some of the photos taken at the event:

Address by Pro-tem Chairman, Datuk Yusof Ampuan Kechil at the AGM ......

Committee members briefing Adonis Blue member residents .....

Members listening and attending to details ......

Below are Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Family Day celebration photos ......

Residents mixed around and enjoying the variety of foods ......

Children playing Musical Chair game ..... 

Rewarding the champion ......

Percussion Performance ....... 

Ping pong passing game .....

Get ready to go ......

Group champion .......

Moonwalker show .......

Residents enjoying the show and children's games .......

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2011

Notice is hereby given that the 2nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Adonis Blue Resident Association will be held at the Dewan Bukit Jelutong, No. 1 Jalan Adang U8/18, Seksyen U8, Bukit Jelutong, Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan on Saturday, 8th  October 2011 at 2.30 pm for the following purposes:-


1.     Address by Datuk Yusof Ampuan Kechil, Chairman of Pro-tem Committee of Adonis Blue Resident Association.

2.     To receive the Audited Financial Statement (2010/2011) for the year ended 30 June 2011 and the report of the Chairman and Auditors thereon.

3.     To update members on the status of the registration of Adonis Blue Resident Association.

4.      To seek members approval to recruit a part time administrative staff with a monthly allowance of up to RM1,000.00 to manage the affairs of Adonis Blue Resident Association and to serve member residents.

5.     To elect new Pro-tem committee members for the following positions:    
a) Chairman
b) Deputy Chairman
c) Treasurer
d) Deputy Treasurer
e) Secretary
f) Two (2) Auditors
g) Legal Adviser
h) Five (5) Working Committee Members 

6.       Other business

Chin Chee Thoy
Pro-tem Committee
Adonis Blue Resident Association

Friday, August 26, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

The Adonis Blue Resident Association Pro-tem Committee Members would like to wish all our Muslim Residents “Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri”.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Dear Residents,

On Sunday 13 February 2011 morning around 7.30 am, we have found a wrist watch and coins at the main children playground on the cement bench. If anyone wishes to view the found item that is believed to belong to him or her, he or she may contact Mr Chin at 013-3946308

Warmest regards

Adonis Blue Resident Association

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


The Pro-tem Committee of Adonis Blue Resident Association would like to wish all our Chinese neighbors a “Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year”.

We sincerely hope the year of the Rabbit will bring happiness & good health, peace & harmony to all the residents of Adonis Blue community.