Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hand over of Guard House by Sime Darby Propoerty to Adonis Blue Resident Association Pro-tem Committee

Dear Residents,

We are pleased to inform that Sime Darby Property has hand over the guard house to us on Tuesday 22, June 2010. Our Pro-tem Chairman Datuk Yusof Ampuan Kechil was at the guard house to receive the official documentation from Sime Darby Property.

Below are pictures of the handover party.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the neighbour who created this blog. Syabas! Just want to thank members of the Pro-tem Committee for their hardwork and dedication in getting our 24-hour security system in operation. Though some of us may not be able to devote as much time to the cause, you certainly have my full suppport and I am sure this goes for most of our neighbours in the Adonis Blue area. Keep up your good work.

    David Ho
    3 Jalan Ubin U8/19C
