Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hari Keluarga Adonis Blue & Jamuan Hari Raya Aidilfitri 0n Saturday, 9 October 2010

On Saturday, 9 October 2010, Adonis Blue residents held its first “Family Day & Hari Raya Aidilfitri” celebration at the children playground from to .  The turnouts were extremely good.  Residents were entertained with variety of halal foods and drinks at the event.  The opening of the event was delightful with a beautiful song belt out by the Chairman of Pro-tem Committee, Adonis Blue Resident Association, Datuk Yusof Ampuan Kechil before he delivered his inspiring speech. There were various fun games organized for adults and children at the playground with attractive prizes given out to participants. Residents were also entertained with beautiful songs at a karaoke session towards the end of the event.  Overall, it was indeed a happy and fun day for the residents of Adonis Blue. This memorable day was made possible through overwhelming sponsorship of cash and in-kind like halal foods, prizes, etc from residents.  Not mentioning the “gotong-royong” spirit and efforts of residents to help up in organizing the overall event.  Syabas!  Thank you all residents and sponsors in making this event a very successful one.

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