Saturday, November 27, 2010

Senaman Melalui Sessi “Taiji” di Adonis Blue

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Jawatankuasa Sementara Persatuan Penduduk-Penduduk Adonis Blue telah menganjurkan satu sessi “Taiji” untuk penyertaan semua penduduk Adonis Blue. Tujuan mengadakan sessi “Taiji” adalah untuk menggalakkan ramai penduduk supaya bersenam bagi menjaga kesihatan fizikal.

Sessi “Taiji” telahpun dimulakan pada 17 November 2010 dan akan diteruskan pada setiap hari Rabu dari 7.10 pagi hingga 8.10 pagi di padang permainan kanak-kanak.

Jurulatih Taiji, marilah kita memulakan .....

 Jurulatih Taiji, cara inilah yang betul ..... badan mestilah bertegak

 Peryerta-penyerta yang bagitu cergas .....

Teruskah semangat .....

Sudah latih ..... sambunglah pada minggu depan

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Deepavali From Pro-tem Committee, Adonis Blue Resident Association

To all our Hindu neighbors and friends in Adonis Blue, the Pro-tem Committee of Adonis Blue Resident Association wishes you all a Happy Deepavali.

To others, let’s share the joy of celebration in the spirit of Deepavali and enjoy the holidays!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Syariman Fazrin Zain (DO6), Mohd Nazri Omar (Ho2), Edwin Chin (B31),
Lokman Tbrani (H11) and Shaik Mohamed Shaleem (D15)


Security Sub Committee Members on Duty

GUARD HOUSE TEL NO. O12 3646415 (24 HOURS)
NOFROM  TO               NAME                                                           HP NO
1.   3/10.   9/10.    ABDUL MENON ARSAD (D12)            012 2535387
                              LOKMAN TBRANI (H11)                       012 2985731
2.   10/10.  16/10.  EDWIN CHIN (B31)                                 016 2033838
                               MOHD NAZRI OMAR (HO2)               019 3543905
3.   17/10.  23/10.  SHAIK MOHAMED SHALEEM (D15) 012 2737737
                               SYARIMAN FAZRIN ZAIN (DO6)      012 2396964
4.   24/10.  30/10. ABDUL MENON ARSAD (D12)             012 2535387
                              LOKMAN TBRANI (H11)                        012 2985731
5.   31/10.   6/11.  EDWIN CHIN (B31)                                   016 2033838
                              MOHD NAZRI OMAR (HO2)                 019 3543905
6.   7/11.  13/11.   SHAIK MOHAMED SHALEEM (D15)  012 2737737
                              SYARIMAN FAZRIN ZAIN (DO6)        012 2396964
7.  14/11.  20/11.  EDWIN CHIN (B31)                                   016 2033838
                              MOHD NAZRI OMAR (HO2)                 019 3543905
8.  21/11.  27/11.  SHAIK MOHAMED SHALEEM (D15)  012 2737737
                              SYARIMAN FAZRIN ZAIN (DO6)        012 2396964

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hari Keluarga Adonis Blue & Jamuan Hari Raya Aidilfitri 0n Saturday, 9 October 2010

On Saturday, 9 October 2010, Adonis Blue residents held its first “Family Day & Hari Raya Aidilfitri” celebration at the children playground from to .  The turnouts were extremely good.  Residents were entertained with variety of halal foods and drinks at the event.  The opening of the event was delightful with a beautiful song belt out by the Chairman of Pro-tem Committee, Adonis Blue Resident Association, Datuk Yusof Ampuan Kechil before he delivered his inspiring speech. There were various fun games organized for adults and children at the playground with attractive prizes given out to participants. Residents were also entertained with beautiful songs at a karaoke session towards the end of the event.  Overall, it was indeed a happy and fun day for the residents of Adonis Blue. This memorable day was made possible through overwhelming sponsorship of cash and in-kind like halal foods, prizes, etc from residents.  Not mentioning the “gotong-royong” spirit and efforts of residents to help up in organizing the overall event.  Syabas!  Thank you all residents and sponsors in making this event a very successful one.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya to all residents

Dear Residents of Adonis Blue,
The Adonis Blue Resident Association Pro-tem Committee Members would like to wish all Muslim Residents “Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri”.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Collection of new car sticker and payment for Aug & Sep

Dear members of Adonis Blue Resident Association,

The Pro-tem Committee will be collecting the monthly fees for August & September and distributing the new Car Stickers at the following dates & time:

Dates: 7th August 2010 (Saturday) and 8th August 2010 (Sunday)
Time:  5pm to 6pm
Venue: Playground area, near the Guard house

Please prepare a cheque made payable to "T.J. Chin & Co" for RM140.00 (RM One Hundred Forty) being payment for 2 months security fees.
Cash is also acceptable if payment is made on these 2 dates. 

If you who have paid in advance for 3 months (July to September) are not required to make any further payments for now.
Just come to collect your new car stickers.

If you are unable to pay during these two dates, our security guards will be collecting payments from your home. 
You are advised to pay by cheque and not cash to them.

If you have any inquiry, you are most welcome to see us on these two dates or contact your respective road reps.

See you at the park this weekend!

Adonis Blue Resident Association.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Security Patrolling and Clock Points

We have firmly established 14 clock points during the day (from 7.00 am to 11.00 pm) and 16 clock points during the night (11.00 pm to 7.00 am). Refer to map attached.
During the day a guard on rotation will conduct patrolling at an hourly interval going through all the clocking points from clock point number 1 to end at clocking point number 14. There are three sets of schedules provided and the choice of schedule to follow will be adopted and applied at random.

During the night from 11.00 pm to 7.00 am there will be two guards deployed to conduct patrolling. One guard will concentrate in the area BEFORE road C and road F and another guard will conduct patrolling in the area ABOVE road C and road F, Such that, the patrolling activities will be intensified after mid night until the wee hour of the morning. The guards have also been given with three sets of schedules to choose and adopt randomly and will abide by the timings stipulated.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


We are pleased to report that the “Boom Gate” is now fully in operation. Earlier when installed there were some defects and they are now rectified. The committee had instituted relevant procedures with regard to entry and exit of personnel and vehicles. The procedures and rules are by no means perfect. They are still on trial and error basis and given time we should be able to institute the appropriate one.

We would like to appeal to all members of Adonis Blue Community to give your support and cooperation in this effort. Instruction had been given to the guards manning the guard house on the opening and closing of the roads:
The road is open for both lanes from morning 6.30 am till 12.00 midnight.
After midnight until 6.30 am the exit lane would be closed and only one lane would be operational. Hence, the entry and exit would go through the “Boom Gate”

As “SAFETY” is also a big concern for us, and in order to avoid any kind of untoward incident, please give your cooperation by slowing down your vehicle speed when approaching the guard house even when you exit.

Your support and cooperation will certainly promote safety and wellbeing of our community.


Dear Residents,

This particular post is to allow for you to submit or comments on any complaints regarding the Security. Please help us look out for any misconduct, if any of the security guards and also suggestions on making Adonis Blue (Ubin) a more secured area. Feel free to post your comments in this thread. Thank You.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


1. Jerai Security Services Sdn. Bhd. is the company providing       security      service for our area. The company is located at No 77, Jalan SBC 1, Taman Batu Caves, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor. The personnel who are involved with our operations are
a. Branch Manager: AB. Latif bin Mahmod. (Hp: 017-3292541).
b. SiteManager: SO Raimee bin Ab. Latif. (Hp: 017-3247684)
c. Guard House Leader: SG Ajmal / SG Malek. (Hp: 012-3646415)
2. As per our agreement with Jerai Security Services Sdn. Bhd. the following services are to be provided:
a. The security services will be provided on a 24-hour basis and entailed the deployment of 5 security guards (fully equipped) operating in three 8-hour working shifts as scheduled below:
Time No Of Guards
0700 – 1900 2 guards
1900 – 0700 2 guards
2300 – 0700 1 guard
b. The guards shall be stationed at the guard house and shall perform duties not only limited to checking entry/exit of authorized/unauthorized individuals or vehicles at the entrance of Adonis Blue, but also to patrol the entire Adonis Blue areas on scheduled basis to safeguard and monitor any theft or violence against residents and to control vehicle speed within Adonis Blue Residence perimeter..
c Jerai Security shall provide residents with the access to the following call centers:
i) Adonis Blue Guard House – 012-2646415
ii) 24-hours call-centre – 017-3292541
iii) Bukit Jelutong Control - 017-3247684
iv) Bukit Jelutong Police Control - 03-55102220
d. Jerai Security action force shall be available at all times to rush to the assistance of residents (who are members) in case of emergency.
e. In the event residents are away or on holiday for short periods, Jerai Security will provide extra surveillance service to monitor and keep an eye on houses upon receiving instructions from the residents. Jerai Security will report to the residents directly in case of emergency.
f. Jerai Security will provide Escort Service to residents in the event residents suspect strangers are following while returning home.
g. Jerai Security shall provide to Adonis Blue resident committee a detailed Standard Operating Procedure.
h. Jerai Security shall provide First Aid assistance to members upon receiving distress calls.
I Jerai Security shall establish 16 security clocking points and the exact points shall be jointly decided with the security committee of the residents association.
j. Adonis Blue resident committee shall have the right to review the performance of Jerai Security and provide suggestions for the betterment of the service.
k. Jerai Security shall provide trained guards and the guards stationed at the site must have permanency period of at least six (6) months.
l. Jerai Security shall provide written monthly operation report to be submitted to the Chairman Adonis Blue Residents Committee at least one week before the scheduled monthly meeting. The date, time and venue of the monthly meeting shall be determined by the Secretary of the Residents Committee.
m. Jerai Security shall assist Adonis Blue resident committee in the collection of subscriptions from residents.

Monday, July 12, 2010


The security operation is not fully established yet but, it is progressing positively. Since this July we have installed some basic infrastructure at the guard house which is essential and establishing additional clocking points for the patrolling guards. Altogether we now have 16 points as opposed to only eight before July 2010.

Our area is now manned throughout 24 hours. Two guards are deployed during the day from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm. Two guards will come in for the evening shift from 8.00 pm till 8.00am the following morning. In addition one guard will be stationed at the rear of our area (Rear Playground) from 11.00 pm till 7.00 am.

The daylight patrol will be conducted regularly following the scheduled and unscheduled time. The securing of the area by conducting intensive patrolling will be from 11.00 pm until morning 7.00 am. Hopefully all of us can have our good sleep.


To ensure the guards are performing their duties, we have the following residents who had volunteered to oversee them. They are:

Abdul Menon Arsad
Hp: 012-2535387

Mohd Nazri Omar
Hp: 019-3543905

Edwin Chin
Hp: 016-203 3838

Shaik Mohamed Shaleem
Hp: 012-2737737

Lokman Tbrani
Hp: 012-2985731

Syariman Fazrin Zain
Hp: 012-2396964

Please feel free to contact any one above should you have any query or suggestions to offer. We will try to do our best for the safety and wellbeing of our community.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Snatch Thief at Kubah, Bukit Jelutong

Dear Residents,

Latest crime alert happened at Jalan Kubah, Bukit Jelutong.

Yesterday around 1.30pm, a lady returning from work was parking her car when suddenly 2 men on motor bike appeared and smashed her side window and took her hand bag. There was no help available and the robbers escaped.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Collection for Adonis Blue Security Car Sticker

To all members of Adonis Blue Residence Association,

We will be handing out our car-stickers this Sunday 4 July from 5pm to 6pm at the playground near the Guard house. You will be entitled to 2 free stickers if you have registered 2 vehicles with us. If your house has only 1 registered vehicle, only one sticker will be provided.

If you need additional car-stickers, the additional vehicles will need to be registered with us. Each additional car-sticker will cost RM5.

Please note that you will be asked to sign a mandatory Waiver of Claims letter before the car-stickers are released to you.

If you are unable to come for this Sunday’s distribution of car-stickers, please collect them from your respective Road Reps. If you need additional stickers, please collect from No.19, U8/19C between 8pm-9pm Monday-Thursday (next week).

Thank you.

ABRA Membership Team

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hand over of Guard House by Sime Darby Propoerty to Adonis Blue Resident Association Pro-tem Committee

Dear Residents,

We are pleased to inform that Sime Darby Property has hand over the guard house to us on Tuesday 22, June 2010. Our Pro-tem Chairman Datuk Yusof Ampuan Kechil was at the guard house to receive the official documentation from Sime Darby Property.

Below are pictures of the handover party.