Saturday, May 22, 2010

Break-in attempts 2010

From Nazri Omar (18 May 2010)


I just want to bring to everyone's attention in the neighbourhood that there was another attempted break in last night at about 8pm. This time my next door neighbours house on Jalan U8/19H (2nd house from the bridge on the left) was the target. They were not at home, but luckily her next door neighbour's maid saw the two men trying to break in and called for help. Homeguard was at the scene and so was the police but the robbers ran off when they were spotted by the maid.

What was brazen about this attempt was the time (early eve) and the approach from the back which was well lit and could be seen from the bridge and road. My family was also at home at that time. As such this serves to show us that no house is safe from being a target and irrespective of the time. I certainly hope that this would spur more families to support the resident assoc to quickly get the 24 hour security online.


  1. I could not disagree with you on your call for more household to join in our security scheme only if they realize how vulnerable we are in the current state of security precaution. Whoever the pepetrators are they know our security weakness that dared them to attempt a breakin. Hence, there is indeed a dire need to beefup our security measure to deter and protect ourselves from incidences like this to happen again. I would like to call upon all residents of Adonis Blue and let us be reminded not to be "penny wise and pound follish" Let us build our community into having a pleasant, harmonious, safe and secure environment.

  2. Salam/ Hello..

    I'm really shocked to know that the attempt took place just few steps from my house!! I always thought that it is safe at the back since the area is quite open, can be seen clearly from the bridge and the BIG BUNGALOW opposite the "river" and yes, well lit. But now, I'm not so sure anymore..

    Really glad and thankful for those who help created the Adonis Blue R.A and also, this blog (for us to keep updated and informed about the community). May God bless your good deeds.

    14 Jalan Ubin U8/19 H

  3. Security ALERT
    House Break in.

    Please take note and inform your neighbors too.

    A resident's house had been broken into. Thieves had broken in and taken away a laptop, 2 cameras, some watches and some cash. Neighbor had seen two men who looked like guards come out of the compound early in the afternoon. Two motor cycles were also parked in front. Ourguards were not informed about this. Police report has been lodged.

    Date: 19 July 2010

    Time: Between 5.30pm - 8.30pm

    Incident Street : Jalan Kubah U8/55A

    Keep your house main gates and grills locked with a chain at all times. Install an alarm and arm it when leaving your house. Call the call centre for the tiger eye service if you are going on holiday. Have clear lighting in the porch. Call the call centre if you see anything suspicious.

    Please be extra cautious.

    Thank you and Regards,

    Customer Service Exec
    Hotline no 03 33733994
